Hesston United Methodist Church
Monday, September 16, 2024
Love Christ, Live Christ

Mission Team


Hesston UMC has a very active Mission Team.

We meet monthly to plan our monthly mission emphasis and do what we can to promote it to the congregation. We also try to plan church wide missions that involve all age groups.



Monthly Missions Examples:

January: Souper Bowl Sunday (collect soup and crackers for the Hesston Resource Center)

February: After School Kids Club (financially support our own after school snack program)

March: Harvey County Domestic Violence Center

April: Harvey County Homeless Shelter

May: Ethiopia Reads

June: Grace Med/Open Door

July: Mission Day Camp Needs

August: Hesston Ministerial Alliance

September: Schowalter Villa/Asbury Park

October: Hesston Resource Center (Turkeys for the holidays)

November: Youthville Gifts & Coats for Open Door

December: Mission Shares & Socks, Hats, Glove Tree


For more information or questions contact the church office or Ellen Samuelson